All through college I was
looking forward to attending law school.
Ultimately, the Lord took me in another direction, but there are some
facets about the law profession that have never left me. I love to see evidence. I appreciate logical, reasonable, and
thorough investigations of facts. That’s
one reason why the first three verses of 1 John are so special to me.
In just three verses the
Apostle John amassed nine verbs to indicate the accounts of Jesus were based on primary
sources – the firsthand knowledge of seeing Jesus’ life in actuality.
The life of Jesus
reported in the Gospels is not a fairy tale.
Jesus is not merely a legend.
There is nothing mythical about Him.
The stories about Him are not fanciful or made up. Notice the nine verbs that indicate
eyewitness accounts of the veracity of Jesus life on the earth – heard (v. 1),
seen (v. 1), looked upon (v. 1), touched (v. 1), made manifest (twice - v.2),
seen (v.2), seen (v. 3), and heard (v.3).
The subject of all these
verbs is always the word we.
John, the other Apostles, and the early Christians had a front row seat
to see what Jesus did and hear what Jesus said.
A number of them even touched Him
following His resurrection.
What did they do with
that knowledge? Three more verbs from
these three verses tell us: testify (v.2), proclaim (twice – vv. 2-3). They didn’t keep the good news to
themselves. Neither should we. We can testify and proclaim truth. We have the facts on our side.
We accept the truths of
the Scripture by faith, but please be encouraged to realize that it is not a
blind faith. It is not a faith that is
contrary to reason. It is a faith that
is true to the evidence.
Dr. Luke said of Jesus in
Acts 1:3 – “To them he
presented himself alive after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and
speaking about the kingdom of God.”
The NIV adds the word convincing before proofs. The word for proofs means proofs that
are positive, sure signs, indubitable (without a doubt) evidence.
We never have to shrink back from testifying and
proclaiming the truth about Jesus. It is
based on firsthand, eyewitness, indisputable proof that can stand up to the
full scrutiny of any courtroom.
Paul Thompson
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