Skepticism is easy. I confess that I am not one of those people who naturally sees the positive or potential in any given situation. As much as I enjoy fairy tales, real life experience has conditioned me to not expect the happy ending. I doubt I’m the only one.
I think the root of skepticism is fear… fear of losing control, fear of disappointment, or fear of the unknown. The Gerasenes were so afraid of the unknown that they begged Jesus to leave them after he healed the demon-possessed man. The citizens of Jesus’ hometown were skeptical of his claims and demonstrations of power. They couldn’t see past the known, the comfortable, and familiar. The same was true of the mourners at Jairus’ house. They laughed at Jesus’ claim that the daughter would yet live. They doubted his power. The disciples, even after participating in the miraculous feeding of the 5,000, didn’t look for a miracle to save them from the stormy sea.
Faith takes work. We have to deliberately and intentionally choose faith and belief over skepticism. In each of the situations of Mark 5 and 6 where someone was healed, Jesus praised them for their faith. Thankfully for us naturally skeptical disciples, Jesus only requires faith the size of a mustard seed! That kind of faith comes from knowing whom we have believed. We need not look any farther than Psalm 97 today to be reminded who our God is. “For you, O Lord, are most high over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.” I pray that each of us will choose faith over fear today. Our God is in control and He is mighty and good!
~Barb Keeler
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