Note: Both today and tomorrow's blog are based on the same reading.
When listening to the news of our day, the phrase "majestic" is probably the last word that comes to your mind. And yet, this is the word used by David in Psalm 8 to describe his view of God's reputation. "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" (v.1&9) David further proclaims that he is not the only one declaring the majesty of God's name, but he hears it in the cries of his children and grandchildren. Could it be that rather than hearing "Waa! Waah! Waa! Waah!" grandfather David heard "Yah! Weh! Yah! Weh!" (the Hebrew name for God)?
David not only heard God's majesty, he saw it. To do so, David looked up - beyond his circumstances. "When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place...O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name" (v.3&9) David's reference reminds me of the lyrics to Stars, a song by the popular band Switchfoot:
I've been thinking maybe I've been part of the cloudy
Maybe I'm the chance of rain
And maybe I'm overcast
And maybe all my luck's washed down the drain
But when I look at the stars
When I look at the stars
When I look at the stars
I see someone else
Today, if you are feeling a little cloudy, look up! Look beyond your circumstances. The magnitude of God's sky can expand our limited perspectives and remind us of His majesty. Furthermore, David ends this Psalm with a reminder that the majestic God has crowned us with glory and honor. No matter our circumstances, we are not helpless! Remember today, that God has given you "dominion over the works of your hands" (v.6).
In Ephesians 1 & 2, Paul continues this theme of our majestic Lord's plans for us. For those who have "heard the word of truth...and believed in him" (1:13) you were "predestined...for adoption" (1:5), given "redemption through his blood", "forgiveness of trespasses" (1:7), and "the riches of his glorious inheritance" (1:18). You have been "made...alive together with Christ" (2:5), "seated...with him in the heavenly places" (2:6) and "prepared...for good works" (2:10). You have been reconciled "to God" (2:16), "have the Father" (2:18). You have become a "member...of the household of God" (2:19).
Living in light of these majestic truths, I pray that we as Mt. Vernon Christian Church will all be "built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit". Today, may we live out our predestined dominion and do the good works that God has called us to do. Through our infant efforts, may our Lord's name be majestic in all the earth!!!
Kendall Keeler
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