1 Thessalonians 5 is a chapter filled with many wonderful, thought provoking verses. I believe I could write a number of articles based on this one chapter of the Bible, but for today I am choosing just one:
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
This verse has always resonated with me, but I believe it does so in a different way this time. Right now we are living through an unprecedented time, entering our seventh week of “lockdown” due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I believe that most of us need encouragement now more than ever, no matter what season of life you’re in:
· Grandparents desperately miss seeing their grandchildren
· Parents who may not have homeschooled before are now doing so nationwide
· Many are out of work when they are used to going out and providing for their families
· Some of our dear elderly are being quarantined within nursing homes and are terribly lonely
· Kids are learning in new and different ways and may be missing beloved teachers and friends
· Teachers, along with many others, have had to learn to do their job in a completely different way and may be extremely frustrated
· Leaders of any type are attempting to make wise decisions based on many unknowns
· Healthcare workers and other essential workers are tired and burnt out
I could go on and on I think, but you get the idea. We all need encouragement, right? And not just in a pandemic, but every day. In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Paul is reminding his fellow believers to encourage one another. He also reminds them to “build one another up.” To me, “building up” implies that a tearing down also exists. I have noticed that though many good things have come out of this time, it has also brought out some nasty and judgmental parts of people. Let’s make sure our testimony rings true by being someone who builds others up, not one who tears down.
Rachel Craig
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