Today we read an account of Paul, who is in chains in Acts
25-26 and had appealed to Caesar. He is defending himself against accusations made
against him by the Jews. In his lengthy defense, he recalls living as a
Pharisee, punishing and persecuting many believers. Paul then recounts the
story of his dramatic conversion on the way to Damascus, after which he becomes
a Christian and a fervent missionary for Christ.
What stands out to me in this passage is the fact that Paul
tells his story, which is definitely very unique. Everyone has a story, and it
is important that we share our stories with others. We don’t know for sure how
Paul’s testimony affected his listeners during this time, other than the fact
that he remained a prisoner, though these particular leaders didn’t think he
deserved death or imprisonment. But who knows how his words and story may have
resounded with them long-term? Perhaps some within earshot at this trial went
on to become believers. We don’t know, but God does.
You may think that you don’t have a story, but I can assure
you that you do! I myself think I am not very interesting, but I found myself
chatting with a stranger last week and ended up telling her just a snippet of
my life. Maybe she was just being kind, but she was very interested in what I
had to say. You see, God has done unique and amazing things in your life and in
mine that He will use for His glory. Don’t be afraid to share your story with
others! You have no idea how the Lord will use it.
Rachel Craig
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