The Bible speaks so much on the topic of thankfulness. From
the Old Testament through the New Testament we see a theme in that we are to be
In Luke 17 we see the story of the 10 Lepers who are healed
by Jesus.
What do they do once they are healed? Well, only one of them
returns to Jesus. The only person who came back was a Samaritan. Jesus had
healed them from this disease that caused them to separated from their loved
ones and society. Yet, only one returned to say thank you.
What in the world were the other nine lepers thinking? Well
they were on their way to the Priest as Jesus told them. They had to be
declared clean by the priests to then be able to return to their communities and
families. I’m sure that they were just so excited to see everyone and walk
through the ritual that they had to go through to be declared clean. Yet, one
of them thought I need to return to Jesus. I need to return to say thank you! I
need to return to worship the one that has freed me from this horrible disease.
We were also under a horrible disease. It is called SIN. We
were enslaved to it, bound by it, shackled by it. Yet, Christ died to set us
No matter where you are in life there are things to be thankful
for. There are things to continue to praise God for. May we not forget to thank
God for all that He is doing and continues to do.
~Pastor Tony
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