13 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, 14 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” 15 And he laid his hands on them and went away.
We are to come to Jesus just as the children did. Even though the disciples had struggled with this concept and hastily turned them away from Jesus. We are to come to him with “childlike faith”. You may be asking yourself, “Why would the disciples turn young children away from the Father?” Children were not looked upon in Jewish culture at that time the same way that they are in our culture today. They were looking at the children as a bother to Jesus and as something that wasn’t socially acceptable. However, didn’t Jesus always break those “politically correct” barriers?
We are to come to Jesus just as the children did. Even though the disciples had struggled with this concept and hastily turned them away from Jesus. We are to come to him with “childlike faith”. You may be asking yourself, “Why would the disciples turn young children away from the Father?” Children were not looked upon in Jewish culture at that time the same way that they are in our culture today. They were looking at the children as a bother to Jesus and as something that wasn’t socially acceptable. However, didn’t Jesus always break those “politically correct” barriers?
Jesus not only wanted the children to come to him but went on to say that “for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” This teaches us to have the simple faith of a child. Children trust in many things without question. They trust their parents, friends, and much of the world around them. As adults, we feel the need to question everything! Faith isn’t about knowing every single answer or doing all of the right things. As children simply believe, it is a simple call to us to do the same. Have faith in the one who knows it all, and can do it all!
~Sarah Murrin
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